Gogogy (ZA)



March 21 - April 20

If you are looking at a dead end try considering the problem from a different angle. You are definitely open-minded enough to find a new solution


April 21- May 21

This is the right time to turn your attention to making some money. Use your entrepreneurial ability and bring close friends on board if you need to


May 22- June 21

You are eager to reject the predictable and safe and pursue something altogether more exciting. This is your chance to fulfill dreams and desires


June 22 - July 22

You are finally ready to face the challenge today, be it mental or physical. Banish any doubts you have been feeling, you will definitely overcome


July 23 - August 23

You know you have to face up to what you have been avoiding. This will give your confidence a lift and reduce the chances of the problem returning.


August 24 - September 22

You are impressed by the honesty of others today and it could have far-reaching effects. You realise forging a partnership is the best way forward


September 23 - October 23

A life-changing meeting is on the horizon and although you may have lacked confidence before, you are now able to display what it takes to impress


October 24 - November 22

Abandoning deep analysis will bring welcome clarity to a confusing situation. Be prepared to go all the way when your real goal comes into view


November 23 - December 21

Establishing some order at home will have a positive effect on other aspects of your life. Embrace the change, it will stand you in good stead


December 22 - January 20

You are able to get assistance today from a totally unexpected source. This will lead you to reconsider your position and consequently your options


January 21 - February 18

You are at risk of being sidelined by someone who has totally different goals to yourself. Be strong, you really don't have to go along with them


February 19 - March 20

If you don't have plans for today, get busy and make some. You are feeling upbeat so it would be shame to waste it when you could be out having fun